Sunday 10 February 2013

How This Wor ks

Each chapter in this book focuses on a specific group of problems that
we can solve with HTML5 and CSS3. Each chapter has an overview
and a table summarizing the tags, features, or concepts covered in the
chapter. The main content of each chapter is broken apart into “tips,”
which introduce you to a specific concept and walk you through building
a simple example using the concept. The chapters in this book are
grouped topically. Rather than group things into an HTML5 part and a
CSS3 part, it made more sense to group them based on the problems
they solve.
Each tip contains a section called “Falling Back,” which shows you
methods for addressing the users who use browsers that don’t offer
HTML5 and CSS3 support. We’ll be using a variety of techniques to
make these fallbacks work, from third-party libraries to our own jQuery
plug-ins. These tips can be read in any order you like.
Finally, each chapter wraps up with a section called “The Future,”
where we discuss how the concept can be applied as it becomes more
widely adopted.

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